This is where I get to say anything I feel like saying and you get to agree with me.
We will also share stories and chocolate if you have any.
Naps are also encouraged, if shopping is out of the question.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Today we went to Jumbo. Yep, JUMBO. 
The Buenos Aires answer to Walmart. .. need tools ? they have it. . Need plants, pots , rakes, bricks, flowers, underwear? they have it. 
And when you are all shopped out with the power tools , flower pots and super glue shopping ... you can buy groceries. But wait ! while walking into the supermarket, looking for sugar, you can buy shoes, dishes and a television ... I mean, really, JUMBO has it all. 
Right across the street from the  Centro Cultural Islámico King Fahd , the largest Islamic Center in all of Latin America
So you really can't miss Jumbo ..  There had been some work done since we were there last, downstairs which had been pretty much boring and not many shops , is now a mall with book  stores, music stores, all kinds of trendy clothing stores and perfumeries. I have to go into one of those one day , when my husband has a head cold and can stand being in the room with all of that scent at once. I sort of don't mind that, once in a while .. kind of like being at a garden party with a bunch of ladies wearing different perfumes. 
Maybe it is a "girl" thing..
So .. with our Jumbo purchases, the evening will be spent potting flowers and tomorrow is very exciting.. we will be drilling holes in the walls so I can finally hang some paintings and mirrors.
We have only lived here 3 years, some people don't want to rush into things.
But I will be thrilled to see my old "friends" hanging on the walls, my odd little red convex mirror, my vintage cycle poster, 
my painting that was in an art show, yes, My painting, I do Chinese water colors .. and there are the vintage bird prints and the vintage hairdresser prints and the Japanese samurai painting .. all my old friends, wrapped in bubble wrap and waiting to see where we live.
I can't wait !!
We also bought a shopping bag so I don't have to use plastic .. this is me with my bag .. not really but I can pretend... so can you.....

images via jumbo services,king fahd islamic center

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh wonderful, you will be so happy to be surrounded by your old friends. And I love the vintage cycle poster. Tres cool.