This is where I get to say anything I feel like saying and you get to agree with me.
We will also share stories and chocolate if you have any.
Naps are also encouraged, if shopping is out of the question.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Someones in the Kitchen

Not long ago, I saw a kitchen like this with trees and gardens out the window. 
That would work for me.

I just love the mix of textures and old and new .

What is a kitchen without a cat on the counter?
I particularly like the blackboard wall.


Linda said...

I would like to see MYSELF in that first kitchen!!!
Yes, why do cats always jump on the counters??
When we watch my son's cat...Buddy...he always HAS to sit on the stove!!! Go figure...
Looks like big black clouds rolling in...yikes...
Enjoy the rest of your day...

Linda :o)
Think I'll have some blueberry coffee cake ,and a cup of green tea!!

highheeledlife said...

Oh my friend .. you are so right the perfect kitchen really is what makes a home. We finally had our kitchen cupboards installed and I can't begin to tell you what a difference it makes (even with the temporary boards for counters) I'can't wait for the counters to be installed ... when friends visit we gravitate to the kitchen. For us it's like the kitchen was given a jolt of life ... after almost 24 months of having a make shift kitchen during the renos.

You will have your perfect kitchen and garden, my friend. The universe just hasn't found a home that has what will truly bring happiness to you both. Wishing you a wonderfully blessed week..xo C. (HHL)