This is where I get to say anything I feel like saying and you get to agree with me.
We will also share stories and chocolate if you have any.
Naps are also encouraged, if shopping is out of the question.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Cat For Hire

My Glamorous Life 
I tend to cats. I have 3 of my own ..and now there is a sweet young thing that comes to my door each night hoping for a bite to eat and possibly a cuddle . The human that is supposed to be caring for this little cat has his head up his *** so it has been made clear that when my cats leave food in their dishes, it will not be thrown out but given to a little cat who will appreciate it.
I think on my small list of Things I Hate ... People like the man that owns this little cat, is at the top.
A sweet little grey cat with a couple of terrible scars on her legs, wandering around loose in a condo community with a forest ( complete with scary wild things) in back and 3 alligators in the pond.
And this knucklehead lets his cat out every night ..

My Cats
 Minette is the same, my beautiful sleek blue beauty. A real Mamas girl...which is fine with me.
Old Merlin, my magical old cat.. he moves slowly, he naps often .. but he is a cat .. and I adore him.
Honey, my inheritance .. huge, sweet, funny .. I hit the cat jackpot when I acquired her and the rest of my Cat Family..

I will need another inheritance to keep feeding them ! I might have to put them to work.
What kind of job (besides mousers)  does a cat do ?

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