This is where I get to say anything I feel like saying and you get to agree with me.
We will also share stories and chocolate if you have any.
Naps are also encouraged, if shopping is out of the question.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dear Seal

Yes , you have a lovely voice.
But I have to say .... I think you are a total a**.

You were married 7 years and have 4 children.
When asked what went wrong .. you said ...   "and then you    grow apart..."
Sorry .. I have been married a lot longer than that and guess what ... you don't "just grow apart" ..
Explain that one to those children of yours.
You might have grown apart, but IT doesn't just happen.
But you know what ? I loved your voice. 
I thought you were a great couple with Heidi Klum .. but .. 
after this small amount of time , we have just grown apart.


Furtheron said...

No commitment

Notes From ABroad said...

Sad, you would think 4 children would equal "commitment" .. besitos !