This is where I get to say anything I feel like saying and you get to agree with me.
We will also share stories and chocolate if you have any.
Naps are also encouraged, if shopping is out of the question.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dreaming .. A Cottage in the Country

Ever since my first trip to London, so many years ago, I have dreamt of living in a Mews. I would live in another sort of home if we were to live in London, but a Mews would be my dream.
But every time I think about moving again, from an apartment in a big city, my thoughts drift towards houses, cottages, little homes where there are lots of big trees and views. Gardens and sky to see from the windows.
A fireplace is a priority. No winter in the Northeast is bearable without a fireplace. The bigger the better. Actually, a fireplace in a home Anywhere is good.
A stone house on a country road ?
Or on a hill, overlooking ones own lake, with gardens and privacy and definitely no taxis honking outside and probably never a traffic jam outside.. unless there are geese on the lake .
A house with a view. Sky is good, trees are good, as far as you can see is a dream.
A cottage is all we need, The Husband, Pup and I. With lavender lining the walk to the door.
I am pretty sure that unless a perfect flat in London becomes available or a lovely small place in Paris pops up, New York State will have have something that we can all agree on. I have to remember to ask Pup if he wants his own room or not. Somehow I think it will be Not ..

images courtesy of The New York Times


Anonymous said...

A flat in London...oh my, wouldn't it be lovely?

Dumbwit Tellher said...

We are so on the same page. Give me a cottage with a path lined with lavender and I'm a happy gal. After living in a house that's too big, less is more precious and easier on the back!

I loved this post. Makes me look forward to living in Scotland. Thank you! xx